...a repository of ideas...

Monday 25 October 2010

The Miserable Rich CD Review

The Miserable Rich: "Of Flight and Fury"

A couple of years ago I had the pleasure, and, if I were being sycophantic, the privilege of reviewing The Miserable Rich’s first album. Indeed it was my record of 2008 and still gives me immense pleasure to listen to now. I hadn’t thought at the time that it could be equalled such was its breadth and depth of ideas and sheer hubris in its music making. Then comes this second record.

The first time around I was caught by surprise, stopped in my tracks and actually shaken by what it offered. This time around there is a feeling of ‘fore-warned is fore-armed’ but that doesn’t take away from its sense of powerful beauty, its devil may care attitude to the expectations of the listening public, its utterly compelling nature. The basic elements that defined the first record are all present here: the instrumentation, the songwriting (more ideas here than most people achieve in a whole career), the jaw droppingly expressive vocal performance, the joy unconfined in making noise that one is comfortable with in its discomfort. It would probably be unfair to single out certain passages but it has to be pointed out that there can be few songs dedicated to a chimpanzee (‘Oliver’ concerns that bald chimp that some people considered to be a missing link) or songs that can claim to be the last word in break-ups (for get ‘Blood on the Tracks’ or ‘Heartbreaker’ – ‘Let Me Fade’ says everything you need to know). If there are differences then perhaps one can detect a tad more polish in the production values (just sufficient not to overdo things) and maybe a touch more orchestration - if that’s not an oxymoron when discussing a chamber pop orchestra. The mood, and lets face it The Miserable Rich were never going to soundtrack any one’s Ibiza summer, is a little more Autumnal perhaps. What remains is that this is an essential listen for anybody with sufficiently open ears, those looking for an antidote to the manufacturing process of modern music, a clarion call to those of us bloody-minded enough to yearn for something different, original and distinctive in our listening. Very likely the best record of 2010.


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